Sabtu, 06 Mei 2023


Hello, good morning. It's been very while since the last time I write something here, kinda miss you my blog. Today, I decide to come over just to drop some words and say that I love you.

what's new??

This is my students' photo taken when they were celebrating library national day in the library. I was not captured in that photo, hehe. 

wait..., when was the last time I drop here? last year? 2022. hahaha, okay then I want to tell you that since I went home from Germany last year, I started  to be an english teacher for elementary school student, basically for kids. It's been almost my 10th month of being teacher there. On the other hand, I also become a biology teacher for olympiad preparation through SuperProf (if you remember this platform, I have made it since I was in college, then finally I have one student). That's bravo to me. And what else? the amazing thing is now I manage my own small course instituion in my house. In total I have 10 students (other than my students at school). They are Aini, Rere, Alea, Sinar, Ifa, Yasmin, Naura, Chika, Farid, Echa and Reyhan. But today, some of them are no longer go study to my house, but all is fine. I will have more time to rest.

The newest thing is now, today, I'd go to the junior high school 1 of Bondowoso and I'd get hired as biology olympiad preparation teacher for their students. I'd say this is cool!! at least to me. hehehe

However, I also did a lot of unusefull things yesterday, do you know whattt? I did play my phone for 11 hours 43 mins!!!! that's damn crazyyyy rightttt?

fyuhhh... I did not do all my to do list, all I do is just laying on my bed and doing an endless scrolling and chatting with my phone, fyuhhhh...

today I'd make something different, I hope so. I am gonna back to the track and live my life happily.

I love my self. 

I date my self. 

and all is fine. 

Hey Gingko Biloba, I'll be right back. I will write more. Hehe

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4. Germany Series : Second Batch!

Second Batch : Student Exchange 2018 Aku tidak lolos seleksi student exchange itu, dan teman sekelasku, Khalid, dia lolos! ah itu... sedikit...